The Advantages of a High Risk Merchant Account for Nutraceutical Products

For any E-commerce site, to accept payment by multiple means you need a proper payment gateway and a merchant account that supports your needs. Without a merchant account, you will not be able to accept payment via credit card or debit card. If you are looking forward to spreading your business worldwide, it is important to have the capacity to process such payments.

Nutraceutical products (commonly known as Nutra products) have formed a billion dollar market. Business dealing in such products is categorized as high-risk business and most conventional banks and merchant processors will not provide services to companies like this.

Benefits of Merchant Services for Nutra Product Sales

Some merchant account providers specialize in high-risk merchant account but charge a higher fee for certain accounts. There are few providers who offer customized end-to-end payment solutions, which are more beneficial for the merchant as compare to others. Some also offer to process for numerous currencies. For these and other reasons, it’s best to do very systematic research of merchant processors that offer merchant accounts for Nutra deals.

Several benefits of using a merchant account for Nutra product sales are:

Payment acceptance through various means: If you want to grow your business it is important to accept payments by multiple means. Customers feel comfortable if they can pay or choose the payment option as per their choice and convenience, for the products or services they require.

Acceptance of all type of credit cards: If you have a payment processor that works with all credit cards, the merchant can deal with people and companies all over the world and expand their business.
No volume limit: Merchant service provider can provide you with a payment system that does not restrict you from making business deals and financial transactions. A system where you can carry out transactions without any interruption or issues.

Extra benefits provided by some of the merchant account providers:

  • 24/7 technical support
  • Fast set-up and approval in 24 hours (depending on Acquiring bank)
  • No the hidden fees in terms of Nutra Merchant Account Solutions
  • Instant integration with the website
  • Affordable data processing rates

How to Shop for Merchant Services 

Despite the fact that there are more choices nowadays in the card preparing industry, finding the correct processor can be challenging. You will require one that addresses your organization’s issues, but that can take some time and legwork. Discover what different administrations they are offering, for example, online installment doors. You can also inquire whether they handle things like various monetary standards. Discover a processor that can make different Nutra deals and shipper accounts accessible to your organization.

How to Get a High Volume High-Risk Nutraceuticals Merchant Account

Getting a high limit high-risk nutraceuticals merchant account isn’t easy. Presenting your business in the best possible light from point of the first contact is important because merchant accounts are essentially a line of credit from a processor. Once a high-risk Nutra merchant account is approved, payment processors set monthly processing limits. These limits are typically between $25,000 and $100,000 per month. DigiPay knows how to navigate the high-risk nutraceutical payment processing space and has developed exclusive partnerships that allow for our qualified nutraceutical merchants to process high dollar volumes. Our risk management team works closely with merchants and sponsoring banks to shorten trial periods and raise processing limits. Most nutraceutical companies that maintain a stable, consistent performance throughout their initial trial periods can increase their processing limits.

Instructions to Work with Conventional Merchant Services Providers

Pay organization bills on time and keep financials in order. Give clients great services and make returning items simple and convenient. Nutraceutical related merchants who give genuine items at reasonable costs could hope to remain in business and expect outstanding income. Search for long-term solutions for your Nutra deals here.

For more details, call our representative on +1(888)622-6875 or email us at


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