
Showing posts from March, 2018

Potential ISO Partnership Program Benefits For High Risk Merchant

ISO Partnerships The types of programs offered to ensure that you find a program to fit your needs and objectives. You’ll find we’re an excellent choice—for one simple reason. You don’t have to fit your business into our system—we fit into yours. We offer our ISOs the flexibility to build and grow their  high risk business . Participate in a proven, multi-pronged operation with unlimited profit potential. We provide marketing tools, resources, and support to sell Merchant Stronghold products and services within your market. ISO Partnerships Features Choose from a variety of competitive revenue sharing programs for the right compensation model, including risk, no-risk, and full-service processing Address the needs of nearly every industry, thanks to our comprehensive array of  merchant  transaction processing solutions Robust online reporting tools designed to give you control of your business Benefit from Merchant Stronghold reputation in world-c...

What is the difference between high risk website designing and web development

A website must leave a positive impact on the viewer, and with years of experience, we design such sites that leave no stone unturned in order to attract the viewer and get success to your  high risk business . our design team builds full responsive, user-centric, clean and w3c, CSS validated sites that are both beautiful and successful. Your high risk website is the most important component of your company’s marketing plan. It’s the central hub for your messaging and content marketing efforts. All other marketing materials should support and drive traffic to your website. As a website design and development technology has progressed over the years, you now have more digital marketing tools than ever before. We work with you to develop a user experience which delivers value to your audience. Value means repeat visits and referrals via social media and other channels. Using our years of experience and research, Wood Street’s web design and development solutions are c...

Direct Marketing High Risk Credit Card Processing In USA

Merchant Stronghold provides credit card processing gateways that are tailored for your direct marketing business. Grow your Direct Marketing business by providing multiple payment options to your customers. Efficient Front-end Systems and  Credit Card Processing Gateway  to integrate with Stronghold’s gateway API and be able to provide instant successful transactions are important, especially for a Direct marketing System. Stronghold’s credit card processing gateway not only accepts payment but also compiles reports so that merchants can keep records of transactions. Many companies these days promise to deliver these efficient systems, but most of them focus on providing fancy systems rather than better security. Merchant stronghold on the other hand not only have the most secure and solid gateways available but also close all loopholes that can harm payment system of your direct marketing business. Rather than using physical terminals, your customers can use ...

The Advantages of a High Risk Merchant Account for Nutraceutical Products

For any E-commerce site, to accept payment by multiple means you need a proper  payment gateway  and a merchant account that supports your needs. Without a merchant account, you will not be able to accept payment via credit card or debit card. If you are looking forward to spreading your business worldwide, it is important to have the capacity to process such payments. Nutraceutical products (commonly known as Nutra products) have formed a billion dollar market. Business dealing in such products is categorized as high-risk business and most conventional banks and merchant processors will not provide services to companies like this. Benefits of Merchant Services for Nutra Product Sales Some merchant account providers specialize in high-risk merchant account but charge a higher fee for certain accounts. There are few providers who offer customized end-to-end payment solutions, which are more beneficial for the merchant as compare to others. Some also offer to...

Offshore High Risk Merchant Account Underwriting Process In USA

It is important to open a merchant account to carry out financial transactions especially if your business requires a payment gateway through which you can accept payment by multiple payment methods. To acquire a merchant account you have to first find a card processor, which meets your needs and provides you services at a reasonable price. When you apply for this account, you cannot get started by just filling an application form. The application (in turn your business) has to go through a wide analysis process. This process is called merchant underwriting. A team of high-risk analysts or an individual analyze your business to find out any type of risk, and according to this analysis your application is either approved or rejected. This whole process might take a day or two, depending on the provider you choose. There are alternatives to this, which will take lesser time for approval, as those alternatives do not require underwriting, but they have their own drawbacks due ...

A High Risk Merchant Account for Tech Support Merchant Account Business

How Technical Support Merchant Account Services Work? When I started my research for this business, I communicated with a number of people whom I thought might have some practice in managing such merchants, and what I heard from them didn’t precisely come as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned me that such businesses could be very difficult to work with — that their company practices were doubtful, that they could infrequently doctor the required paperwork, that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, and that customer objection levels were off the chart. “Where have I heard that before?”, I wondered, and my initial practice rapidly confirmed the authenticity of these warnings. However, I had the good fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant who turned out to be hardworking, trustworthy and legit. He also ensured low levels of customer complaints and chargebacks. Equally important, the volume per month was extravagant— about $500,000 and still continues to grow. ...

High Risk Website Design Merchant Account Permits Online Secure Websites

For a successful online business one thing which is very important is to carry out credit card transactions with fractions of seconds and securely. As this is a competitive world and customers are impatient, it is important for every online business owner to carry out credit card transactions quickly and in a secure manner so that the data is not misused. Having a high-risk online business brings the possibility of expanding the market nationally and internationally, and touching the global market. But to carry out such transactions; merchant needs a website design merchant account, which is essential to carry out financial transactions in a secure payment gateway for all the major currencies geographically. This website design merchant account is considered as high-risk, because of which not a lot of processors offer high-risk website design merchant accounts. At Merchant Stronghold (MHS), the company works to provide highly secure websites along with prevention tools, whi...

You Need To Know About High Risk Merchant Services Provider In USA

About  High Risk  Merchant Account Services High Risk  Merchant Services  Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts. Our all-in-one merchant accounts include everything that a high risk or offshore merchant’s needs to process successfully. Processing Includes debit and credit card processing, check processing (ACH), payment gateways, and charge-back management services. We help businesses to accept their payments from anywhere, as you are getting POS Machine services, Virtual Terminal, Online Settings to integrate that in your website so that customers can pay on there on. Our services are available via an easy online application. So click on the link and get yourself started NOW High-Risk Specialists We’ll get your high risk or offshore business processing right now with Merchant Stronghold’s fast processing system and keep your processing better than anyone else in the market. Here’s how ...

3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Credit Card Processor

If you are running a business that deals with sales and purchases, there might arise situations where you need to choose a new credit card processor, but it is not as easy as it seems. It is a big decision and before making a final call you should be aware of certain things, like Fee charged and contract, customer service department and cost-effective tool. Do the comparison, study the market and then make the final decision. Let us now discuss the 3 questions you should ask your new  credit card processor  before finalizing it: Structure of Fee Charged When you opt for such tools, you are charged with a certain amount of fee, but it is important to know what exactly those fees are, more commonly called breakage of the fee. The fact is that most of the high-risk merchants have no idea about the process and end up paying a high amount of fee without actually knowing the hidden high markups in their pricing structure. To process the transaction, an interchange pa...

13 Tips To Guard Your High Risk Merchant Business Against Chargeback

For many small businesses that accept credit cards, chargeback is way costlier but there are ways where you can protect your business against those unfair chargebacks. Before going further, let us understand what is a ‘Chargeback’? Chargeback  A chargeback happens when a customer after purchasing a product, contact to his/her card issuer to dispute the charges. In simple words, when a customer purchases a product and due to some reason disputes a charge with his/her bank, the money is returned to that customer as well as he/she gets to keep the product. But the bank charges the business owner, from whom the product was purchased. This payment, which the business owner gets to pay to the bank, is called the chargeback. Here are few tips that can help you prevent chargeback and minimize the time and money spent while dealing with it. Being business owner you should understand that disputes could be considered valid due to many reasons. Customer may dispute charges...

Factors & Guidelines to Merchant Service Underwriting and Why It’s Important

It is important to open a high-risk merchant account to carry out financial transactions especially if your business requires an online payment gateway through which you can accept payment by multiple payment methods. To acquire a high-risk merchant account, you have to first find a credit card processor, which meets your needs and provides you services at a reasonable price. When you apply for this account, you cannot get started by just filling an application form. The application (in turn your business) has to go through a wide analysis process. This process is called improper merchant underwriting. What is Merchant underwriting? When a merchant chooses a high-risk payment processor to process its payments, the two parties will sign an agreement, with this agreement being referred to as a financial contract. The underwriting process tends to be very stringent and is used to help determine how credible the merchant is in relation to its own credit card worthiness and ...

US Tech Support Business Looking For a High Risk Merchant Account

How Technical Support Services Work? When I started my analysis for this business, I communicated with a variety of individuals whom I thought might need some observe in managing such merchants, and what I detected from them didn’t exactly come back as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned Maine that such businesses might be very tough to work with — that their company practices were uncertain, that they might occasionally doctor the desired work, that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, which client objection levels were off the chart. “Where have I detected that before?”, I wondered, and my initial observe speedily confirmed the authenticity of those warnings. However, I had the great fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant who turned out to be hardworking, trustworthy and legit. He also ensured low levels of client complaints and chargebacks. Equally necessary, the volume per month was extravagant— concerning $500,000 and still continues to grow. F...

About High Risk Merchant Accounts & Offshore Merchant Account

Let’s Understand The High Risk merchant When Merchant Business is established and applies for a  payment gateway  at the Bank, they get approved or disapproved from the risk departments considering the business to be high risk business or Low risk business. There are few reasons why any business can be considered as a high risk business. Some of the risk factors that make a business HIGH RISK are as follow: You have lost your previous merchant account due to high chargeback ratio. Questionable sales and marketing tactics Potential legal and financial liability Your credit is really bad. The industry is known for excessive chargebacks or fraud incidents Trial continuity business Previous credit card processing is not good enough You’ve been branded as a terminated merchant (TMF). It is important to note, that this merchant account categorization is based on your business’ industry, regardless of your individual businesses’ trac...

Are You Considered a Low Risk Merchant Account In USA

Understand the Low Risk merchant Low Risk Category before you apply it at the bank for a merchant Account because merchants in our payment processing world are categorized under low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk categories. There are a number of points or reasons concerning which any business can be classified as Low Risk or high risk or medium risk Business and for an example while reviewing the business it is reviewed that how much risk is involved in the business, what is their risk level, which is the country wherein they got incorporated and their processing history etc. Features of a Low Risk Merchant Account Merchant account to accept ACH, eCheck and credit card payments A merchant account that provides an opportunity for real-time processing of payment Merchant account for secure and easy processing of payment Merchant account for internet merchants to facilitate website credit card processing You process less than $20,000 per mo...

Best Telemarketing Business Expect From Merchant Account Services In USA

The world is getting closer and closer to the day when we talk about online business and telemarketing. It has become far easier for customers to buy or order things online irrespective of their geographical location until and unless the merchant is high-risk account holder. The marketplace has extended beyond limits and instead of buying a shop/store and sitting there throughout the day to sell your product and services, all you need is a system with the website to market your product. Nowadays, you can buy things online or through telemarketing at your convenience, without wasting your time and be being present physically in the shop. Now let us understand the term telemarketing. Telemarketing Business It is a method where you can market your product directly either over phone or web conferencing, which is scheduled on a call. In this marketing method, salesperson tries to convince prospective customers to buy a product or service that business is providing o...

How to Overcome the Difficulties of Payment Gateway for Collections Account

We are providing the best  payment gateway solution  for your difficulties. Online merchant (small business or large-scale business) to accept payment in multiple ways according to its customer’s convenience. To open such an account, which can accept payment by credit card as well as a debit card is not easy. No matter how good your business is doing, you might still end up struggling to get a merchant account opened. You might think that why your business is categorized as high-risk even when you are following the right track. The reason is the target audience and the niche of your business. Some of the high-risk industries are (High Risk Merchant Business): • E-commerce stores • A website dealing with digital content and steaming • Travel and transport companies • Companies dealing with multi-level marketing and direct sales • Adult and dating websites • Loan and financial businesses • Companies providing supplements • Crypto-curren...