Accept Credit Card Processing on your Online Education Website
If you are running an Online Education website and want to accept credit card, then you are at the right place. We provide one solution to all of your problems.
If you are reading this then you probably want to accept credit cards on your Online Education website. Most business owners like to know how they can accept credit cards. There are many ways to offer multiple payment methods to your customers. Some of the commonly used methods are as under:
- Using own merchant account: you will need a payment gateway linked to your website. There are various requirements for every country; you can contact us for further information.
- Third party merchant: There are many companies willing to accept credit card on your behalf. They will take fees in exchange and provide you an easy solution for your Online Education website. These are also called payment gateways.
How it will benefit your business?
If you are advertising your business but you are not accepting credit card payments then you are making a mistake. If customers find something interesting on your site and they have to buy via check then they may not buy it at all. It takes time to get a checkbook and mail it.
There are international customers who may be interested in your products but not accepting credit card can restrict your business. A flexible system takes care of currency different and other factors. If you aren’t accepting online payments through credit card or debit card, you are losing valuable customers every day.
Which is the best method for you?
Opening a merchant account is little expensive than third party merchant account. Some third party may not have any fees, but the transaction fee is usually high as compare to a dedicated merchant account.
If you don’t know whether your product will sell then the third party will probably suit you. But if you are confident that you have a quality product that will gain popularity in time then a dedicated merchant account is the best solution for you. If you just want to test your Online Education website then try third party account, you will get a check and you won’t have to worry about anything other than your product.
Advantages of own merchant account for Education Website
One of the reasons to have a dedicated account is that your visitors will be able to trust you and you may sell more. Most card owners trust websites that offer better payment system. Having a dedicated merchant account can decrease transaction costs as well. You will be processing the transactions using a gateway so you probably will need to be more careful. There may be frauds and chargebacks in dedicated to third-party merchant account. You will gain more trust from your customer. You won’t need to pay third party extra gateway fee other than regular gateway fee. Also, there will be your own merchant account and payment gateway so the complete profit will be yours and no requirement of splitting the profit between you and gateway providing company. So the result of having own merchant account can give you a high ratio of profit than third-party gateway.
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