
Showing posts from April, 2018

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Credit Card Processor

If you are running a business of sales and purchases, you need to choose a new  credit card processor . But it is not as easy as it seems, it is a big decision to make. Before making the decision, you must know it includes the fee charged and contracts. Also the customer service department and cost-effective tools available. Do the comparison, study the market and then make the final decision. Let us now discuss it further. 3 questions you should ask your new credit card processor before finalizing it: Structure of Fee Charged When you opt for such tools, you are charged with a certain amount of fee. But it is important to know what exactly those fees are, more commonly called breakage of the fee. The fact is that most of the high-risk merchants have no idea about the process and end up paying a high amount of fee without actually knowing the hidden high markups in their pricing structure. To process the transaction, an interchange part of pricing structure is paid ...

How to Accept Credit Cards with an Online High Risk Merchant Account

Regardless of the size of your business, your goal must be to increase annual sales revenue. For this, you must give your customers more alternative mode of payments. It includes credit card payment, debit card payment, net banking and others. A Study to know According to studies, business accepting credit card payment is likely to generate more revenue as compared to others. The main purpose of you being in the industry is to earn profit and credit card is a great mode of payment. So, it is better to get a reliable credit card processing before starting off. There are many third-party service providers with payment solutions for credit card processing like PayPal, but it comes with shortcomings. But special measures must be taken to provide a secure environment to conduct transactions. Else customers will either drift away or will not come back for another sale, and this will increase abandonment rate and funds paid through check or direct deposit will take days to ...

13 Tips For Merchants To Avoid High Risk Credit Card Chargebacks

For many small businesses that accept credit cards, chargeback is way costlier but there are ways where you can protect your business against those unfair chargebacks. Before going further, let us understand what is a ‘Chargeback’? Chargeback Chargeback happens when a customer after purchasing a product, contact to his/her card issuer to dispute the charges. In simple words, when a customer purchases a product and due to some reason disputes a charge with his/her bank, the money is returned to that customer as well as he/she gets to keep the product. But the bank charges the business owner, from whom the product was purchased. This payment, which the business owner gets to pay to the bank, is called the chargeback. Here are few tips that can help you prevent chargeback and minimize the time and money spent while dealing with it. Being business owner you should understand that disputes could be considered valid due to many reasons. Customer may dispute charges if: A...

Avoid High Risk Credit Card Processing Scams with Merchant Stronghold

‘ FRAUD ’, the word itself generates a warning sign to both customers as well as the merchant. According to recent studies, every fraud valued 1 dollar, costs merchant $2.40. The amount may seem less but has a huge impact on annual revenue.One of the main reasons for these frauds is the credit card processing scams. Credit card payment processing companies have noticed a significant growth of such scams among small or medium-sized businesses as compared to large industries. And, if these SMBs do not have sufficient resources to handle them, the impact of scams are much more significant. A major retail can bare the impact of the loss of a couple of dollars but it is not the case with small or medium-sized businesses. Most Common Credit Card Processing Scams Let us discuss in detail about the most common credit card processing scams and a few tips to avoid them. Forced Authorization Scam To complete the transaction when customer’s credit card is declined, the merchant c...

Offshore High Risk Merchant Accounts for Nutraceutical Products

For any E-commerce site, to accept payment by multiple means you need a proper  payment gateway  and a merchant account that supports your needs. Without a merchant account, you will not be able to accept payment via credit card or debit card. If you are finally looking forward to spreading your business worldwide, it is important to have the capacity to process such payments. Nutraceutical products (commonly known as Nutra products) have formed a billion dollar market. Business dealing in such products is categorized as high-risk business and therefore most conventional banks and merchant processors will not provide services to companies like this. Why considered as high risk Nutra products include weight reduction remedies, anti-aging, and sexual enhancement products. Although it is a prize-winning industry, it is still considered high-risk because of the following reasons: A higher number of chargebacks Frequency of bankruptcies Customer Enrollment Cancelati...

Apparel Payment Processing And Merchant Account Services

The clothing industry is growing by leaps and bounds, so as the level of competition in this industry. On a daily basis, bulk transactions take place in each apparel store. It is important for a merchant to provide their customers with a payment processor that is convenient and secure. A good payment processor not only saves time for the customer but also takes less effort in making a successful payment. Payment processor  should be simple and seamless so that the merchant can invest his/her time more in the business plans rather than fixing payment issues. To run a business without much chaos, fewer errors and simple checkouts is like a blessing. The Need for a Payment Processor Customer waiting in a long queue to pay for the product at times gets impatient with the delay that increases the chance of the customer leaving the store without purchasing the product. It is important for a merchant to install a fast and reliable payment method in order to increas...

Gaming Merchant Account & High Risk Business Providers

As of now, the greatest internet gaming markets are generally in the USA. The European online betting industry is fast regardless of a calculation 10 billion Euros. The reason is that a few nations, for example, the US and China confine betting intensely. Or permit it in specific territories like Las Vegas and Macau. Online Gambling Merchant Services Online gambling is commonly known as gaming within the merchant services industry. It’s tabbed as high risk by most card processing providers. The reasons are as follows: • Online gambling businesses feature a high-volume turnover • Most gaming businesses are based offshore • If the business is a startup or new, acquiring banks can be put off by the lack of credit and transaction history Gaming Merchant Account Merchant Stronghold understands the unique needs of online gaming. Whether it's online casinos, online gambling, online poker, social gaming or skill gaming, our experienced team intimately understands ...

5 Key Steps to Start Your Own Small Business And Payment Processor Solution

It’s era of technology, an era where most of our needs are fulfilled with just a few clicks. The Internet has made our life way more comfortable than we could imagine a few decades back. With the increase in technology, our lifestyle also changed dramatically and changed the way we do basic tasks. it includes sending emails, banking, purchasing things, contacting people etc. The Internet has brought almost everything at our fingertips. As the use of the internet is increasing, it has provided an opportunity for business owners to grow their business worldwide, to reach customers they could not a few decades back. For setting up an online business, all you have to do is follow few simple steps and instructions which we will discuss one by one in details and your business will be ready to enter the online world. These days it has become easier than ever to develop & design your own website and have it uploaded either for free or cost that suits your pocket. It is not impo...

Get Approved For An Extended Warranty Merchant Account

Credit Card Processing In case you are facing problems to find at ease and reliable payment gateway for your organization that takes care of extended warranties then service provider  Merchant Stronghold  assist you to out. we have the exceptional technology that makes use of safe and secure virtual terminal to let you process credit card payments in retail or online commercial enterprise. Extended Warranty Businesses are Considered High Risk When selling an extended warranty via a credit card, the customer can dispute the charge during 6 months. As a rule, not everything is covered by your extended warranty. When a customer buys a warranty and finds out it doesn’t cover his/her specific situation, he/she usually gets annoyed and disputes a chargeback. That’s why the extended warranty businesses are classified as high risk. Extended Warranty Industry Processor Solutions The extended warranty industry is considered to be high-risk industry due to its hig...

Understanding Ecommerce Credit Card Processing Works For the Benefits of Ecommerce Businesses

To cope up with the fast-growing E-commerce market, every merchant needs an online  payment gateway  and online credit card processing that can help the merchant serve the increasing number of customers on a daily basis who like to shop online and use credit cards as a preferred mode of payment. To successfully run an e-commerce business, the merchant needs an online credit card processing that is effective and efficient in fulfilling its purpose. Benefits of online credit card processing 1. Improves ability:  To make the website visually effective, a merchant invests a lot of time and money. But most of the merchants do not consider it important to invest much time when it comes to payment processing. However, to improve online transactions for your E-commerce business, it is important to choose the right payment gateway (a system that enables the communication between the merchant processor and a PCI compliant website to share customer’s payment details)...

High Risk Merchant Account Tips by Merchant Account Services

We Are providing  High-Risk Merchant Accounts  Tips If You have a Business, you need to know about Merchant Account and also need a good merchant account for record keeping to credit card processing and for the chargeback investigation, Merchant Account Maybe your good Friend or the worse enemy. A good Merchant account provider understands the issues that will arise in your business. If you want to sell something online you need both a payment gateway and a merchant account. Merchant Stronghold offers solutions for  high risk  merchants like you. We know it can be a hassle to go from one bank to another to open a merchant account, only to find that you will not get approved  for  your application. Some organizations may be willing to accept you but there is usually a high price that comes with it. Get a High Risk Merchant Account:  It is always challenging to get a merchant account for a high-risk business. You may be search...

The Best Mobile Payments can help Transportation Service Providers

In this modern era, where technology has boomed, it has hit many sectors and one of them is transportation. No more standing in long queues, no more waiting; mobile payment has made the task easier for transportation service provider as well as the customers. Mobile ticketing and mobile payments have become a vital part of modernized transportation. It has not only strengthened this specific sector but has also linked local and regional economy. With just a mobile device in your hand, you can pay for transportation services by using any virtual  payment method  (according to your preference). Especially if you are traveling to big cities, local commute (taxi or car) is the option most of us would like to opt for. Your taxi driver may only accept cash payment which may cause you trouble like no cash, shortage of change, security issues etc. So it is better to use cashless payment methods, especially if you are related to the transportation industry. Advantages ...

About Best High Risk Merchant Account & Payment Gateway

Merchant Stronghold is the #1 High Risk Merchant Services Provider About Merchant Stronghold:  Merchant Stronghold is Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida. It provides credit card processing services for businesses of all sizes. Voted the #1 High Risk Merchant Services Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts. Our all-in-one merchant accounts include everything that a high risk or offshore merchant’s needs to process successfully. High Risk Merchant Account:  HighRisk Gateways always care about our merchant’s business as our business. We think and act like your business partners by serving high-risk credit card processing and eCheck/ACH processing. Opening a merchant account with Highrisk gateways is not. Payment Gateway:  For any online business, reliable and secure payment processing is critical. Merchant Stronghold provides world-class payment processing services f...

Merchant Stronghold Is The High Risk Merchant Services Provider

Introduction To Merchant Stronghold Merchant Stronghold is Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida. It provides credit card processing services for businesses of all sizes. Voted the #1  High-Risk Merchant Services  Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts. Our all-in-one merchant accounts include everything that a high risk or offshore merchant’s needs to process successfully. Processing Includes debit and credit card processing, check processing (ACH), payment gateways, and charge-back management services. We help businesses to accept their payments from anywhere, as you are getting POS Machine services, Virtual Terminal, Online Settings to integrate that in your website so that customers can pay on there on. Our services are available via an easy online application. So click on the link and get yourself started NOW. High-Risk Merchant Specialists:  We’ll get your high risk or offshore ...

More Information From Merchant Services On Duty Free Allowance In USA

Voted the #1 High Risk Merchant Services Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore  merchant accounts . This is a guide to the duty free customs allowances in each country. While we try to ensure accuracy, the amounts may change at any time after publication. That is so true. At times we forget to take care of those simple things. Before you travel, make sure you have all the necessary information and you have you're itinerary planned accordingly. After all, nobody likes to face problems in a foreign land. When traveling abroad, it is normal to be excited about Airport Duty Free Shopping. Which is great, but how many actually know the Duty Free Allowance of the country they are going to carry those shopped products into? Yes it is very, very crucial to know the Duty Free Allowances to avoid any unwanted surprises that might sour your experience. What is D...

Everything needs to know about international merchant accounts

Merchant account services worth high quality can be provided to you by Merchant Stronghold irrespective of your geographical location. Business owners from various countries are opting for our services regularly. For processing credit cards, merchants don’t need to depend on a single merchant account; our international banking partners are always there to help our customers. International Merchant Accounts Offering multi-currency payment solutions to international customers can help a business boost their bottom line in a very short amount of time. An international merchant account not only allows your business to reach new markets and increase sales but provides your customers with a familiar and seamless shopping experience. Our huge network of international merchant accounts includes Merchant Services Payment Gateway Services Credit Card Processing Services Shopping Cart Services Merchant Services:  Merchant services  is a broad category of financ...

Payment Integration for High Risk Merchants and merchant website

MerchantStronghold ™ facilitates online purchases from a merchant’s website and helps them to collect payment from the end customers through E-Check, Credit and Debit Cards etc. It is an intermediary that assembles the online payment options offered by various banks, And cash card brands onto a single platform with minimum technical integration with merchant website. Merchant Stronghold Provide  Merchant Services Get up and running with the mobile card reader in a matter of minutes Connect transactions to contact records for a 360-degree customer view Know exactly how much you’re earning with 100% transparent pricing Here are the key features of a CRM: Mobility  – Internet-based CRM for easy and uninterrupted 24X7 access. Better Customer Management  – Effective storage of customer information. Analytics  – Easily Analyze and understand Data through various reports available. Customization  – user views module according to their need. ...