
Showing posts from January, 2018

US Based Start Up For Merchant Account Business

Merchant Stronghold loves Start-Ups and Helps educate them on how to successfully open a merchant account and set up a payment gateway. Like any Start Up, The business should have the following: ● Valid State ID or Driving License or Passport ● Articles of Incorporation of the Business, Any DBA or Fictitious Name Filing, should be assigned an Employers’ Identification Number (EIN) Issued by the IRS. ● Bank Letter or Void Check for the Business (should clearly state the business name, account #, ABA (routing) # and/or business address) ● SSN (US Citizens) or ITIN (the US and Non-US Citizens) ● Latest 3 months Utility Bills (Gas or electricity bill, Telephone bill, Water bill) ● Appropriate Business Plans, Vendor – Re-Seller – Fulfillment Agreement, if Any ● 4 Months Personal Bank Statements , Appropriate Financials , Strong Profile The Start-Up business also needs to choose between their marketing strategies and plan out should they need a R...

Online Services For Website Designing and Development

Website Designing and Development A website must leave a positive impact on the viewer, and with years of experience, we design such sites that leave no stone unturned in order to attract the viewer and get success to your business. our design team builds full responsive, user-centric, clean and w3c, CSS validated sites that are both beautiful and successful. Research Before starting we love to know what we are doing. Things start with research. Plan We use traditional planning style, which starts with paper & pen. Design & Code We start with wire frame then convert that using art, after which, we play with code & give life to design. Quality Assurance Before Delivery, we perform QA and internal testing on standard Desktop & Mobile Devices. Complete Professional Collections Website Design & Development Services WEB DEVELOPMENT We are passionate about designing and developing meaningful and functional webs...

Resource To Help You Become High Risk Merchant Services SEO

All Multinational SEO’s organization required a credit card payments solution for their business. An SEO merchant account helps the SEO allow plastic card payments from customers, which is a complete must when managing with work that is 100% online. While the SEO field is beneficial and flourishing, it can be a tough task to find an SEO  Merchant Account . Though, that’s where we at Merchant Stronghold have you covered. Web optimization-SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, helps your websites get to the top of Google search (1st Rank on Google search index). There are keywords and phrases that acquire more interest from Google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo etc, and an SEO expert is a specialist at knowing accurately how to phrase your opening so that Google or another search engine can push you to the first page of search engine result page(SERP). Main search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing have mainly important first search results, where website’s pages and...

High Risk Merchant Account For POS Paints, Varnishes And Supplies MCC 5198

This саtеgоrу covers businesses thаt diѕtributе whоlеѕаlе раintѕ, vаrniѕhеѕ, wаllрареr, аnd ѕuррliеѕ. Rеtаil ѕtоrеѕ ѕеlling thеѕе itеmѕ to thе general рubliс аrе сlаѕѕifiеd in Paint, Glаѕѕ, and Wаllрареr Stores. According to tо thе Standard Induѕtriаl Clаѕѕifiсаtiоn, inventory handled bу buѕinеѕѕеѕ in this саtеgоrу inсludе calcimines, colors аnd рigmеntѕ, еnаmеlѕ, lасԛuеrѕ, раint bruѕhеѕ, ѕhеllас, rоllеrѕ, аnd ѕрrауеrѕ. Pаint Shор POS System Effective mаnаgеmеnt аnd сuѕtоmеr ѕеrviсе саn bе a piece оf саkе if you have Verifone VX520 Pоint оf Sаlе Sуѕtеm tо hеlр уоu monitor your ѕаlеѕ trends ѕuсh аѕ fаvоritе color оr color blеndѕ. In thаt way, уоu саn еffесtivеlу mаnаgе уоur fundѕ аnd аvоid sleeping profit due tо stocks thаt wеrеn’t рорulаr.Vеrifоnе VX520 POS Sуѕtеm mаkеѕ it еаѕу tо uрdаtе invеntоrу with асrоѕѕ-thе-bоаrd рriсе changes, nоtаtiоnѕ for discontinued itеmѕ аnd new items hitting thе market. Inеffесtivе management of a раint store саn сhiр away аt your рrоfi...

Requirements of getting high risk merchant account in the USA

In this rapidly transforming world, where businesses are regularly changing their process of dealing with customers. With the development of processes, the businesses now have started accepting the payments through credit cards. Although, of all the business process up-gradation with the help of technology, that eases the maintenance of business,  accepting card payments  is one of the steps that makes easier for customers to pay directly through their account. But, many times merchants who are planning to start accepting card payments have very less knowledge about what is required for the establishment of a merchant account. As there are few requirements and prerequisite for getting and maintaining a merchant account that enables the business owner to collect payments via credit cards. Typically a merchant never directly contact a bank for the  merchant account  initiation that should collect the card transactions. The reason for this there is a str...

Retail Offshore High Risk Merchant account for your business

Retail Merchant Accounts are best suited for a business that requires transaction processing at the time of sale and categorized under Card Present Merchant Accounts. Merchant Stronghold can set it for your business anytime. It is sometimes referred as CP or Card Present account, it serves as the foundation for rate structure.Retail  Merchant accounts  need a smart, solid and fast process at the time of sale. Common examples of this type of transition are the swipe or contactless payment system. A credit card is present when the product is purchased, and because of it, there is less chance of fraudulent transactions too. Because of less risk, low rates for such card present merchant accounts are best available. Things you should know about Retail Merchant Account It is obvious that having credit card present when the transaction is being processed will reduce chances of fraud. But there are other variables as well that should be considered when going to a retai...

Difficulty High Risk Payment Gateway And Merchant Account For Collections Account

HAVING PROBLEM WITH GETTING A COLLECTION ACCOUNT WITH  PAYMENT GATEWAY ? Standing issues in business, there’s no doubt. An extraordinary name can permit you to take your business to levels you never envisioned conceivably; an awful one can devastate you before you even open the ways to your store. Trustworthiness, for better or for worse, also matters when you attempt to secure a merchant account for your company’s credit card processing & Check processing ACH processing. But not your reputation, no matter how pristine and spotless it might be. No, banks and MasterCard organizations that offer  Merchant account  rather take a gander at the notoriety of your industry with regards to auditing your application, and the tragic truth of it is, most ordinary suppliers will turn down somebody in the debt collecting office industry without even a moment look. WHAT KIND OF THINGS TO WORKING WITH COLLECTION ACCOUNT/AGENCIES? Different determi...

E-Cigarette Merchant Account Processing for High Risk Industries

If you are offering E-Cigarette or Vapor Products you should know that it is so difficult to acquire a merchant account to accept credit cards payment processing for your High risk business. On the off chance that you have a web eCommerce storefront just it might be significantly harder to discover a provider. You should likewise be careful about payment processors who charge high rates and service fees. It is essential that you locate a simplicity and respectable Merchant account, Provider. Vapor and E-Cigarette businesses are searching desperately to find a merchant account solution to process credit card payments at a reasonable rate… Merchant Stronghold spends significant time in helping E-Cigarette and Vapor Products get validated for low rate merchant account processing.  We work with both on the web and retail businesses!  Our operators are trained & prepared to deal with your particular needs and answer the majority of your inquiries....

High Risk Merchant Account Services For Continuity Merchants [MCC 5968]

You are offering a free trial on your site? We can integrate your eCommerce website with our payment gateway so that your business can accept and rebill customers for your free trial and continuity offer!If you are selling products that require Free Trial, you will need a recurring  merchant account  and a payment gateway. Most business owners don’t understand the difference between a recurring merchant account and straight sale merchant account. If you don’t know then setting up your e-commerce website can be difficult and you may hit by overwhelming fees, chargebacks and may result in Account Closure! What’s Trial Continuity? When someone buys a product with the free trial offer, the cardholder accepts the Terms and Conditions and enrolls in a Trial Continuity Subscription. The website will send this information to the payment gateway for authorization and processing. Once the trial period is overpayment gateway will bill the customer again for the pre-decide...

High Risk Business Credit Cards Acceptance Services For Home, Auto Or Device Warranties

Credit Card Acceptance  that is flexible for your home, Auto, or Device Warranties business. Merchant Stronghold offers the best range of solutions that can fulfill your business needs. Credit Card Acceptance is essential for your Home, Auto or Device Warranty business. These days handful of customers want to pay via traditional methods. The credit card payment system is the next generation method that most customers prefer in this modern era. How can you start accepting credit card payments? By using Merchant Stronghold’s leading payment gateway services. Merchant Accounts can accept all card brands and support all types of credit and debit cards. We provide affordable and simple credit card processing service to help merchants pay full attention towards growing the businesses. RANGE OF CREDIT CARD SOLUTIONS Credit Card Acceptance services are crucial for Home, Auto or Device Warranties business. Your business can accept credit card anywhere in the world. H...

Best Payment Gateway Provider in USA For Your Merchant Business

Merchant Stronghold: Best  Payment Gateway  Provider Merchant Stronghold is one of the leaders in the merchant account industry. We offer payment Gateways and payment options that no one in this industry offers. Executing an agreement with merchant service provider is the first step towards accepting credit card payments. Before Opening a merchant account, you should know which account is best for your business. If you choose the right account, it will solve many of your problems and increase profit margin. Reliable Merchant Account Services There aren’t many  merchant account  providers who understand the worries of business owners. Every business has a size, some are small and others may be big industries. Keeping these facts in consideration, we provide a solution that best fits your business needs. Our payment gateway can accept any card and electronic checks. We have more than one solution for your business. Those merchants who want to ut...

High Risk Merchant Services For Courier Services Businesses [MCC 4215]

Courier business is not new, it has been there for hundreds of years. At first, it was simpler, but modern methods have changed it completely. Not long ago, delivery or courier services had to do transactions in the office; waiting for checks to clear and taking payments was a bigger task than delivering products. Merchant Stronghold is making business easier for courier services all over the globe. Using mobile, secure and reliable payment gateways, businesses don’t have to worry about lengthy payment processes anymore.Mobile,   Secure and Reliable Merchant Services  for MCC 4215 – Courier ServicesUsing Merchant Stronghold‘s credit card processing services, Courier services business can accept credit cards at the time of delivery or/and even before delivering of the product and/or services. We offer the mobile solution so that customers can do transactions via their smartphones. Virtual Terminal is also provided to businesses so they can even host the gateway on t...

Direct Marketing Credit Card Processing For Merchant Services

Merchant Stronghold Exploring new business options like credit card processing can often be just a bit intimidating until you learn how it works. As a matter a fact, it's so simple that you’ll wonder why you waited so long to get a credit card reader and experience the benefits of using a credit card service. Efficient Front-end Systems and  Credit Card Processing  Gateway to integrate with Stronghold’s gateway API and be able to provide instant successful transactions are important, especially for a Direct marketing System. Stronghold’s credit card processing gateway not only accepts payment but also compiles reports so that merchants can keep records of transactions. Many companies these days promise to deliver these efficient systems, but most of them focus on providing fancy systems rather than better security. Merchant stronghold on the other hand not only have the most secure and solid gateways available but also close all loopholes that can harm payment system of ...

Offshore High Risk Merchant Account Is The Key To Merchant Business

You need a  merchant account  to succeed if you are a small business. Providing multiple payment options to your customers has proven to increases sale and offer a lot more opportunities for a Small Business.Small business credit card processing is all about the secure platform for the customers. One of the crucial steps for any business is choosing a merchant account provider. If you are running a mall then cash only approach may work, but according to research, companies may miss the sale because many customers want to do online shopping. According to the latest research in Javelin Strategy and Research, online payments methods have outplaced cash only approach. Credit Card Acceptance: Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover These days only a few people carry cash, rests rely on credit cards. There are only four major card brands through, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. For a small business, credit card processing is incredibly...

The Best Retail Merchant Accounts For You Merchant Business

Retail Merchant Accounts are best suited for the business that requires transaction processing at the time of sale and categorized under Card Present Merchant Accounts. Merchant Stronghold can set it for your business anytime. It is sometimes referred as CP or Card Present account, it serves as the foundation for rate structure.Retail Merchant accounts need a smart, solid and fast process at the time of sale. Common examples of this type of transition are a swipe or contactless payment system. A credit card is present when the product is purchased, and because of it, there is less chance of fraudulent transactions too. Because of less risk, low rates for such card present merchant accounts are best available. Things you should know about Retail  Merchant Account It is obvious that having credit card present when a transaction is being processed will reduce chances of fraud. But there are other variables as well that should be considered when going to a retail mercha...

Eliminate Complexity From Collecting Payment Gateway Integration

ELIMINATE COMPLEXITY FROM COLLECTING PAYMENTS Collecting the sales you worked so hard to generate should be simple and seamless. Our platform is fully integrated to enable invoicing, billing, collection, and related communications all in one place. MerchantStronghold  ™  facilitates online purchases from a merchant’s website and helps them to collect payment from the end customers through E-Check, Credit and Debit Cards etc. It is an intermediary that assembles the online payment options offered by various banks, And cash card brands onto a single platform with minimum technical integration with merchant website. With Merchant Stronghold merchant Service: Get up and running with the mobile card reader in a matter of minutes Connect transactions to contact records for a 360-degree customer view Know exactly how much you’re earning with 100% transparent pricing CRM FEATURES Mobility  – Internet-based CRM for easy and uninterrupted 24X7 a...

International Merchant Accounts And Merchant Services

Merchant account  services worth high quality can be provided to you by Merchant Stronghold irrespective of your geographical location. Business owners from various countries are opting for our services regularly. For processing credit cards, merchants don’t need to depend on a single merchant account; our international banking partners are always there to help our customers. Our huge network of international merchant accounts include – Merchant services :  When it comes to serving global businesses, a wide range of merchant accounts are offered by Merchant stronghold. Your business requirements are bound to find the right solutions from online merchant account, MOTO, and retail merchant account services. Besides providing offshore and international merchant accounts to e-commerce merchants, we also serve them with merchant accounts that fall under high-risk and low-risk categories. Merchant stronghold even serves specific industries with merchant account solut...

E-commerce Merchants And E-commerce Gateway In United States

E-Commerce Business and merchants: We all are very well aware that when Business and commercial activities are done Electronically it is referred as E-commerce. Sometimes back it was something which was considered as an advancement in the sector of Business and Commerce but now its a requirement and is taking over rapidly the whole of the market. Present and future of Shopping is online and will be completely online. And this the reason we are seeing numerous start-ups, entrepreneurs starting up with E-Commerce business and achieving their goals and growing globally. It has helped merchants to connect with their customers beyond the boundaries, and even made customer’s experience also fast, seamless, and most convenient. A report says that E-Commerce Business sales will cross the figure of $638 Billion by 2018 in the only US using the Mobile devices. Now when you are dealing with an online business in order to take a payment from your customer through their card or elec...

The Best Offshore High Risk Merchant Account Tips And Advice

We Are providing High-Risk Merchant Accounts Tips If You have a Business, you need to know about Merchant Account and also need a good merchant account for record keeping to credit card processing and for the chargeback investigation, Merchant Account Maybe your good Friend or the worse enemy. A good Merchant Account Provider understands the issues that will arise in your business, If you want to sell something online you need both a payment gateway and a merchant account, A Bad Merchant Account provider will fix you for industry-standard issues and A  Merchant account  due to their credit card issue. The fact is that many major merchant services providers are undecided to take on merchants with bad credit, often understand them to be too high of a risk for chargebacks and Fraud Prevention. Below a few Tips Advice that can help your search. The First one is,  High-Risk Merchant Account  looks at their respect for your business. Not with all business, ...