
Showing posts from December, 2017

International High Risk Merchant Account Solutions & Payment Gateway

Merchant account services worth high quality can be provided to you by Merchant Stronghold irrespective of your geographical location. Business owners from various countries are opting for our services regularly. For processing credit cards, merchants don’t need to depend on a single   merchant account ; our international banking partners are always there to help our customers. Our huge network of international merchant accounts include – Merchant services:  When it comes to serving global businesses, a wide range of merchant accounts are offered by Merchantstronghold. Your business requirements are bound to find the right solutions from online merchant account, MOTO, and retail merchant account services. Besides providing offshore and international merchant accounts to e-commerce merchants, we also serve them with merchant accounts that fall under high-risk and low-risk categories. Merchantstronghold even serves specific industries with merchant account soluti...

How To Open Internet Secure High Risk Merchant Account

To Create a Secure Merchant Account Tips: In the United States, Internet Secure affords merchant account services. If someone started a business as owner then they unified with the Internet Secure merchant gateway where provide authorization to payment process through any method like order forms, shopping cart, or standing orders. WHY SHOULD A SECURE MERCHANT ACCOUNT BE REQUIRED? For a business owner, it’s stressful that merchant account will go to rejection. A contradiction might make you question to your business existence. In fact, denial of an entire channel of payment processing probably crippling impact on business. DEPEND ON CREDIT HISTORY A provider has checked the personal credit history of customer i.e. revealing trouble of paying bills. A merchant services provider does not want to get on a customer who can view as a susceptibility, even if a customer that pay in a good proceeding of profit will have to reduce the value to a bad credit history. NOT DEPEND ON ...

Debt Collection Business For High Risk Merchant Account In USA

In case you run or are starting a debt collection business you need a reliable credit card processor at low-cost rates. unfortunately, that’s turning into increasingly more difficult to do. in case you’ve been within the enterprise for anytime, the everyday cycle for a debt collection employer to undergo with respect to their credit card processing needs is to first go through an aggregator like Stripe or PayPal. The advantage to these agencies is that they carry out very little underwriting, so even though they do now not quite simply receive debt consolidation businesses, you can usually get regular and accepted quickly. The disadvantage, but, to the use of that aggregator kind money owed is that after you unavoidably have a chargeback, or develop your business beyond say, $20,000 according to month, those aggregators will start to investigate your commercial enterprise. when they do, their most common response is to freeze all of your funds, for a hundred and twenty days, and ...

Payment Processors Important For Online Merchant Account Business

These days, a considerable measure of people goes online for shopping in view of the comfort that it presents. Buyers never again need to go to strip malls to purchase what they require! With just a few keystrokes and clicks, they can get the items they need to be conveyed ideal to their doorstep. For businesses, this is surely something they should exploit to profit by the extra income that activity from online shoppers can bring. If you’re interested in making this happen for your business too, one of the first things you should do is to look for a trustworthy provider of a payment processing system that can facilitate you process credit cards and e-checks for online purchases. One of the main things you have to do is Search a Reliable provider of  payment processing  system to process credit cards for online buys. A completely working business website needs to offer various payment options through their payment processors. By having convenient credit card processin...

ISO Partnerships Merchant Services For Merchant Stronghold

Merchant Stronghold has its Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida. It provides credit card processing services for businesses of all sizes. Voted the #1 High Risk  Merchant Services  Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts. ISO Partnerships:  The types of programs offered ensures that you find a program to fit your needs and objectives. You’ll find we’re an excellent choice—for one simple reason. You don’t have to fit your business into our system—we fit into yours. We offer our ISOs the flexibility to build and grow their businesses. Participate in a proven, multi-pronged operation with unlimited profit potential. We provide marketing tools, resources, and support to sell Merchant Stronghold products and services within your market. ISO Partnerships Features-  Choose from a variety of competitive revenue sharing programs for the right compensation model, including risk, no-risk, ...

High Risk Merchant Services Provider

ABOUT  MERCHANT STRONGHOLD Merchant Stronghold has its Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida. It provides credit card processing services for businesses of all sizes. Voted the #1 High Risk Merchant Services Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts. Our all-in-one merchant accounts include everything that a high risk or offshore merchant’s needs to process successfully. Processing Includes debit and credit card processing, check processing (ACH), payment gateways, and charge-back management services. We help businesses to accept their payments from anywhere, as you are getting POS Machine services, Virtual Terminal, Online Settings to integrate that in your website so that customers can pay on there on. Our services are available via an easy online application. So click on the link and get yourself started NOW HIGH RISK SPECIALISTS We’ll get your high risk or offshor...

High Risk Payment Gateway For Merchant Services

High Risk Payment Gateway Merchants аrе оftеn unclear оn whаt рауmеnt gаtеwауѕ dо аnd why thеу nееd thеm. Thеrе iѕ оftеn соnfuѕiоn concerning thе gateway’s funсtiоnаlitу аnd hоw it diffеrѕ from аn е-соmmеrсе ѕhоррing саrt. Juѕt as often, merchants tеnd tо еԛuаtе рауmеnt gаtеwауѕ with mеrсhаnt ассоuntѕ. Quickly we will try tо сlеаr thе confusion and put the gаtеwау in its proper рlасе in the е-соmmеrсе сrеdit card рrосеѕѕing сусlе. Whаt iѕ a рауmеnt gateway? Pауmеnt gаtеwау  iѕ a wеb-bаѕеd service that intеgrаtеѕ intо an e-commerce wеbѕitе’ѕ shopping саrt аnd соllесtѕ рауmеnt infоrmаtiоn provided bу сuѕtоmеrѕ аt the сhесk-оut. Thе gаtеwау thеn еnсrурtѕ thе data аnd transmits it to the саrd iѕѕuing bаnk for authorization. Thе аuthоrizаtiоn response iѕ thеn ѕеnt tо the merchant and iѕ diѕрlауеd tо the саrdhоldеr. In еѕѕеnсе, the рауmеnt gаtеwау ѕеrvеѕ fоr web-based mеrсhаntѕ the same рurроѕе thаt a роint-оf-ѕаlе (POS) terminal dоеѕ fоr retail businesses. Trusted ...

Merchant Account For Management and Public Relations Services MCC 7392

Finding some good merchant category codes is very important, as they basically provide the payment card processor to showcase the market segment type based on a given business and its offerings. Each type of business comes with a certain code in order to make it a lot easier to identify all the specifics. Plus, it can also provide identification information that will be very easy to use in regards to taxation purposes. The 7392 code is focused solely on the  merchant services  category named Consulting, Management, and Public Relations Services. It’s a very popular category and one that you will encounter very often, to begin with. What makes it distinct is the unique approach provided by customers and the unique attention to detail that you can find here. This is by far one of the most important categories when it comes to miscellaneous business services just because it has a major impact on the way companies do business and the type of work they provide you i...

Payment Gateway for Transportation Services [MCC 4000–4799]

The hardest thing is finding a merchant service provider who deals with focused services such as a car, bus, and taxi. These are direct services related to transportation. Direct services are those which help customers to choose from a range of things without third party involvement. It could allow customers to book a taxi in near area with the help of a mobile application or E-commerce website. The application can complete the transaction on the spot using Merchant Stronghold’s Payment gateway. It will be quick, simple and clean Payment brands use codes to classify businesses by the type of goods and services.  Payment gateway  providers use these codes to inform their clients which category a business belongs to. A good example of these codes is MCCs 4000–4799 (Transportation Services). All the numbers between MCC 4000 to 4799 are transportation services such as passenger railways, bus lines, airlines, marine services, courier services, and more. Merchant Str...

Setting Up High Risk Merchant Account for Merchant Services

Setting up a merchant account is very important and usually, it’s not that hard to do it either. What makes a merchant account great is the fact that it allows your company to accept both credit and debit card payments. Usually, you will need to have either an agreement with the bank that they process credit card payments or you can work with an independent sales organization, MSP and so on. Either solution works as long as you collaborate with a dedicated financial institution and have a designated point of sale system. The first thing you have to do is to determine the way credit card payments will work for your company. This means that you need to figure out the type of credit card payments that you want to accept and how you accept those payments. You need to see if you accept website payments, if you want to use a POS solution or mobile payments. You will also have to think about the amount that you get from credit card sales, to begin with. Aside from that, ...

Legal Document Preparation For High Risk Merchant Account

Every year, billions of dollars are being loaned to understudies. Quite naturally, there are scammers who attempt get your cash offering services that you should study well so to avoid being scammed. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) has always cautioned understudies about what to look out for when you require an understudy credit or some assistance with respect to it. UNDERSTUDY LOAN DEBT HELP Many organizations promote they can facilitate you with your credits/loan, and you can see them publicize on Facebook, on Google, or even send emails messages. Before making any move with these organizations, don’t forget that you don’t have to pay somebody to get help with your Federal understudy credits/loan if you don’t want to. If you’re a document preparation services for merchant Account, consider turning to the #1 High Risk  Payment Gateway  provider in the US, Merchant Stronghold to get the best for your  High Risk Business ...

High Risk Merchant Account for Tech Support Merchant Business

How Technical Support Services Work? When I started my research for this business, I communicated with a number of people whom I thought might have some practice in managing such merchants, and what I heard from them didn’t precisely come as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned me that such businesses could be very difficult to work with — that their company practices were doubtful, that they could infrequently doctor the required paperwork, that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, and that customer objection levels were off the chart. “Where have I heard that before?”, I wondered, and my initial practice rapidly confirmed the authenticity of these warnings. However, I had the good fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant who turned out to be hardworking, trustworthy and legit. He also ensured low levels of customer complaints and chargebacks. Equally important, the volume per month was extravagant— about $500,000 and still continues to grow. Finding ...

High Risk Merchant Account For Continuity Merchants [MCC 5968]

You are offering a free trial on your site? We can integrate your eCommerce website with our  payment gateway  so that your business can accept and rebill customers for your free trial and continuity offer!If you are selling products that require Free Trial, you will need a recurring merchant account and a payment gateway. Most business owners don’t understand the difference between a recurring merchant account and straight sale merchant account. If you don’t know then setting up your e-commerce website can be difficult and you may hit by overwhelming fees, chargebacks and may result in Account Closure! What’s Trial Continuity? When someone buys a product with the free trial offer, the cardholder accepts the Terms and Conditions and enrolls in a Trial Continuity Subscription. The website will send this information to the payment gateway for authorization and processing. Once the trial period is overpayment gateway will bill the customer again for the pre-decide...

A Merchant Account For Your Identity Restoration Business

You are running an Identity Restoration business and you want merchant account so that you can accept card payments? You are at the right place, contact us and we will guide you what to do. Are you running an Identity Restoration business? If you are then you need a merchant account to accept credit card and debit card payments. Your merchant account works as a bridge between your bank account and customer’s bank. When you get a merchant account, you are required to follow rules and regulations established by credit card companies and your bank. This includes a number of fees associated with both the accounts. There are various fees associated with a merchant account, some of them are based on percentage and others are on an item basis. Some of the fees are set by issuing bank while others are by merchant and credit card companies. It is necessary to understand fees associated with an account to run your identity restoration business successfully. Fees associated with...

Online Website Designing and Development - Merchant Services

A website must leave a positive impact on the viewer, and with years of experience, we design such sites that leave no stone unturned in order to attract the viewer and get success to your business. our design team builds full responsive, user-centric,  clean and w3c, CSS validated sites that are both beautiful and successful. Research:  Before starting we love to know what we are doing. Things start with research. Plan:  We use traditional planning style, which starts with paper & pen. Design & Code:  We start with wire frame then convert that using art, after which, we play with code & give life to design. Quality Assurance:  Before Delivery, we perform QA and internal testing on standard Desktop & Mobile Devices. Complete Professional Collections Website Design & Development  Merchant Services WEB DEVELOPMENT:  We are passionate about designing and developing meaningful and functional websites with a strategic ap...

Lets Understand The Online High Risk merchant account

Let's Understand The  High Risk merchant When Business is established and applies for a payment gateway at the Bank, they get approved or disapproved from the risk departments considering the business to be high risk business or Low risk business. There are few reasons why any business can be considered as a high risk business. Some of the risk factors that make a business HIGH RISK are as follow : You have lost your previous merchant account due to high chargeback ratio. Questionable sales and marketing tactics Potential legal and financial liability Your credit is really bad. Industry is known for excessive chargebacks or fraud incidents Trial continuity business Previous credit card processing is not good enough You've been branded as a terminated merchant (TMF). It is important to note, that this high risk  merchant account  categorization is based on your business' industry, regardless of your individua...

Know About The Online Match List of Merchant Accounts

Match List of Merchant Accounts It is true, but there is such a thing as a merchant account blacklist. It’s actually known as the MATCH list or “Terminated Merchant File,” (TMF for short). The Terminated Merchant File is a shared online list among processors and acts as a blacklist scrubber, where merchants with high risk accounts or excessive chargebacks [] and/or terminated for violation of agreement are put on the list and prevented from opening an account with a different credit card processor. MATCH LIST: Why merchants could be put on it Excessive Refunds and Declines Violation of Terms of Merchant Agreement Illegal Product or Advertisement Adult or Porn or Escort Endorsement Merchant Collusion Fraud Excessive Chargebacks Money Laundering Terrorist Activity Wrong MCC code Service/Product By far the most common reason for termination amongst Trial Continuity and Subscription Type of Business, The merchant d...

Best Payment Gateway Integration Simplified Services

Maybe the most challenging thing that can be faced by a merchant is the integration of a payment gateway solution. This will require expertise and plenty of resources. And since most of the gateway solutions are very complex, integration and its overall requirements have started to be more and more appealing as well. Payment Gateway Integration is a process that allows companies to have a much better, seamless way to manage and perform payments. What makes it helpful is the fact that with its help you have a much better control over the way your company manages all customer purchases, no matter the medium they use for that purchase, to begin with. Why do you need Payment Gateway Integration? The reason is simple, if you want to accept online purchases you do need this type of solution and integrating one as fast as possible is a sheer necessity, to begin with. With its help you have the ability to process online payments on the go and results will be very impressive all t...

Know About How To Get a merchant account for your Debt Consulting business

Do you have a debt consulting business? Then you should consider getting a merchant account right now. Processing online payments or credit card payments can be very demanding to begin with, which is why we are here to help you with all of that. As a dedicated merchant account provider, we are here for you and we are offering high quality, professional services that you will enjoy and appreciate right from the start. The value offered here is very impressive, to begin with; all you have to do is to invest in a good merchant account as it can bring in plenty of value for your business. Why do you need a  merchant account ? There are plenty of reasons why you might need one. Not only does this help you generate more value for your money, but at the same time, the return investment is great. You basically get to integrate  credit card processing  and a credit card terminal into the entire experience, to begin with. That’s what really manages to make the solution ...

POS fоr Glаѕѕwаrе/ Crystal Shорѕ MCC 5950- Merchant Services

The early days of uѕing a cash register аnd pen and nоtеbооk fоr ассоunting аnd processing transactions аrе nо lоngеr a еffесtivе means оf kеерing uр with tоdау’ѕ аdvаnсеmеntѕ in buѕinеѕѕ tесhnоlоgу. In оrdеr tо ѕtау соmреtitivе in Glаѕѕwаrе/ Crуѕtаl, buѕinеѕѕеѕ hаvе to аdарt and сhаngе with еmеrging tесhnоlоgiеѕ. A tесhnоlоgiсаl аdvаnсеmеnt thаt buѕinеѕѕеѕ аrе now uѕing iѕ thе роint-оf-ѕаlе (POS) ѕуѕtеm. Thеу аrе nоw rеаlizing thе mаnу benefits POS hаvе оn thеir  Glаѕѕwаrе/ Crystal buѕinеѕѕеѕ. Thе fоllоwing аrе thе mаnу bеnеfitѕ of utilizing роint оf sale systems in уоur Glаѕѕwаrе/ Crуѕtаl ѕhорѕ POS systems provide a business with a rеаl-timе dеtаilеd report оf ѕаlеѕ. Thiѕ аllоwѕ уоu tо assess what рrоduсtѕ аrе being ѕоld аnd whаt рrоduсtѕ are lаgging in ѕаlеѕ.The business саn then implement marketing ѕtrаtеgiеѕ tо bооѕt sales оf the рорulаr рrоduсtѕ. They will аlѕо knоw in real-time whаt iѕ nоt ѕеlling ѕо they саn dесidе whеthеr оr nоt tо оrdеr that produc...